Monday, December 10, 2007

Leo Club of UB 2nd Council Meeting Report


Presented at 2nd Leo District 412 Council Meeting

Date:7th- 9th December 2007
Venue: Regina Mundi High School, Gweru, Zimbabwe

Inducted & active: 12
Prospective: 4
At large: 2
Total: 18

Blood Donation Campaign: The campaign was carried out on the 10th-12lh October2007 at the UB main campus. T-Shirts were given out to donors as incentives and 277people donated. The campaign was planned to continue on the 14th-15th at the FETcampus but could not because of the nationwide shortage in blood bags. It will again resume for 2 days as soon as the bags are available.
Social: To boost the morale of Leos we had a braai at a fellow Leo's place after ourmeeting on the 7th October 2007.
T-shirt sale: Club t-shirts were sold to members.P480 has been raised was raised fromtheir sale.
Induction: Two prospective Leos were inducted on the 30th October 2007.
Dinner Dance: the dinner dance was meant to be the biggest fund raiser of the year but it didn't turn out as good as we expected because Leos didn't do their part in selling the tickets so in the end it turned out into more like a social and we did enjoy ourselves. Out of an estimated profit of P4000 we ended up making just P271.60.


The club is facing a really hard lime and experiencing a slow and painful death. This is evident from the fact that out of a planned 6 projects this semester only 2 were done (blood donation and dinner dance). The main reasons for the failures and inactiveness are:
Leos are not as passionate and enthusiastic as they used to be despite efforts made bymyself and the board.
We tend to plan elaborate projects that need a lot of planning and end up not beingable to implement them.
The biggest problem is with the "club veterans". These people tend to make so manypromises that they can't keep and most prospective Leos feel that they aredemotivated by them because some of them were involved in projects with them.Most projects that failed were headed by these people because they either don't showfor meetings to give progress reports or simply just don't communicate with peoplethey are assigned to work with.

We have resolved during the last evaluation meeting that:
We will go back to doing the very simple and basic projects so that we could keep themembers interested and active.
The veterans will not be included in planning projects but will however helpimplement them.

Compiled by: Leo Gaone Moseki (President 07/08)

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