Theme for our Leoistic year is "THERE IS NO IMPACT WITHOUT CENTRE"
The leos Thornhill Leos club club was inviet to the wedding of Lion Chidume of Gweru Lions club held on the 8th of September at Gweru Lions Den and the club did all the catering for the wedding, Cooking, serving a total of 200 guests and the washing of all dishes and cleaning-up after the wedding. The club got a donation in the form of a cheque ($3000.00) and this was used to pay for transport to attend the Redcliff-Leos workshop.
The Club then hosted The Senior Promenade Concert for the school leavers.The Guest Of Honour was The Gweru Lions President, Lion Victor Wasara. Other guests included Lion Ray Sibanda, The immediate Past District Governor, Lion Glorify Dr Maundukure and his wife Lion Gladis and Lion Chaka. The concert was a resounding success and the funds raised are to be used towads the Mayor's Christmas Cheer fund and the following projects..
01. Waste Paper Collction- The club is to collect all plastic containers and plastic paper then send to Chiredzi Sugar Refiners for recycle.
02. Mayor's Christmas Cheer fund- The Gweru Mayor has asked the Thornhill leos to organize activities for the function to be held before the 1st of October.
03. Tree Planting Day-The club is to plant trees at a Children's home during the first week of December.
Challenges Encountered
01. Some of the club's fundraising activities were denied by the school adminstration but we feel they were just postpond.
02. Third Term is a busy schooling term with a lot of exams therefore some projects could not be carried out but as well postpond
Yours Leoism
Projects Director Club President Club Patron
Takudzwa.C.Zvobgo Rufaro Mtizwa Mrs.S.Sibanda
1 comment:
Great to see you guys are still at it despite the challenging environment. I was a member of THS Alpha Leos from 1999 to 2002 and it was great, we did not have as many challenges as you probably face now. I commend Mrs Sibanda and everyone who keeps the Leo spirit alive at Thornhill.
Addi Mavengere (Tinashe)
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