The District Governor's Lion Ashok T Desai MJFP Speech at the Regional Leo Conference and 21st Annual Leo District Conference held at Northern Technical College Saturday 19 April 2008
The DCC Leos, Lion Grivas Shimonde Chiyaba, MJF
The Leo District President, Leo Chiluba Mumba
The Convenor of the Conference, Leo Steve Besa
All Senior District Officers
The Resource Persons
Members of the Organising Committee
Leo Advisors Fellow Lions, Leos and Distinguished Guests
It gives me much pleasure to be with you at this Regional Leo Conference and 21st Annual Leo District 413 Conference.Firstly I wish to welcome you all to this great city of Ndola, the provincial capital of the Copperbelt. Special warm welcome goes to the Lions and Leos from District 412. I hope as you conduct your business, you will also find time to see the beauty of Ndola town.
My dear fellow Leos, the Leo movement is an important International program. The objective of the Leo Club Programme is to provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community. Lions Clubs create exciting programmes that aim to achieve the objectives of the Leo programme of providing a chance to young people like you, to develop into humanitarians and leaders.
Recently, the Lions Clubs International Regional Leo Conference Grant Program was created to provide financial assistance to Lions multiple districts (or single districts not part of a multiple district) to help cover the cost of major Leo conferences that comprise Leo club members from the surrounding area. The goals of the conferences are to:
motivate Leos; provide Leos with opportunities to strengthen leadership, organization and service skills; and encourage Leo club/membership growth and expansion. I am convinced that the programme and the presentations that will be made today will meet the objectives of such conferences.
Dear Leos, the Regional Leo Conference Grant Program is a three-year pilot program that extends from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009. The program provides expense assistance of up to US$2,000 per conference. A total of two districts (multiple or single district not part of a multiple district) per constitutional area, per fiscal year, are eligible to receive the funds. This year our District applied and was successful. This is a great achievement and the actualization of hosting this conference demonstrates the commitment that my Cabinet has in responding to challenge number 7 of our International President, Lion Mahendra Amarasuriya's International Program of "Challenge to Revive and Develop the Leo Movement to Its Maximum Potential". I hope that through this conference you will develop skills that will encourage you to serve others in your communities. I also wish to commend the organizers of this Regional Leo Conference for inviting the Leos from District 412 to attend the Regional Leo Conference. This partnership should be encouraged because it is in line with the Lions mission statement, " To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation".
To the delegates to the 21st Annual Leo District Conference, 1 wish to urge you to elect district officers that will continue with the good work that has been performed by Leo Chiluba and her team. Her team has demonstrated serious commitment towards the growth and development of the Leo movement in the district. As District Governor, I have closely followed the activities of the Leo movement because it is very dear to my heart. You will recall that during the 20th Annual Leo District Conference held in Kafue in 2007, 1 warned that I was not going to tolerate mediocre leadership in the Leo movement during my year as District Governor. I am glad to note that there is sanity in the Leo movement and I commend you all Leos who have contributed to the change.
In closing, I wish to express my gratitude to several Lions Clubs that extended support to Leo Clubs. I am glad that there is more collaboration between the sponsoring Lions Clubs and Leos. It is however regrettable that the Leo movement has continued to be concentrated only in Region 3 and 4. I hope Clubs in Region 1 and 2 will rise to the occasion and sponsor Leo clubs.
I am informed that there are prospects of reviving certain clubs on the Copperbelt. I only hope this will happen before the end of the fiscal year.
Finally, I wish to appreciate the good work done by the organizing committee of this Regional Conference and 21st Annual Leo District Conference. For the past four months they have been meeting to ensure that this is a success.I also thank all the resource persons for the rich presentations; and all the participants.
To the visiting Lions and Leos from District 412, I hope you will enjoy your short stay in Zambia. To the local Leos, I look forward to seeing you at the 37th Annual Lions District Convention in Siavonga, 1 - 4 May 2008.
I now officially open the Regional Leo Conference and the 21st Annual Leo District 413 Conference.
thank you and have fruitful day.
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