Report to the 3rd Council Meeting on the 7th of April 2007 held at UB Gaborone
Report to the 3rd Council Meeting on the 7th of April 2007 held at UB Gaborone
Greetings to you all
As I pass on the mantle of leadership to the next LDP I am pleased that the Leo District board performed well .Although they is still room for improvement. We sure did motivate and we all worked as a team as per our theme.
During the past years they was a noticeable growth in Leo club activities, since the first club Blantyre Secondary School was established .Lions took pride in the surge ,Leos served with pride. The local media was awash with Leo news and Leos became a house hold name. These gains that the early pioneers is being slowly eroded. The number of active and reporting clubs have dropped to a handful. A lot of factors have contributed to the decline in the activities of Leo activities. The main factor that I think is hampering growth is the issue of continuity. When a club was established and flourished they was no deliberate policy of recruitment. When the crop of Leos left, lets say a school the clubs took a down turn and slowly and slowly and over a period most clubs would struggle. With no motivation and guiding it has been tough going for Leos in Malawi. With such a background all hope is not lost. Things are slowly getting back on track, inroads are being made and a few clubs have been revived. An appeal to all Lions clubs in the regions is that they should take a keen and active role in Leo club activities. The Leos need all the support they can get from the Lions. To those that have not yet sponsored a Leo club, the future is in the youth so please sponsor a Leo Club. A Big thanks to the Leo Chairperson for Malawi Lion Patricia Mwase for her efforts
With triple inflation digits ,the economic down turn of the country has also dealt a negative blow to Leo club activities. Take for example this convention; it requires close to 1 Million dollars to attend. How many of our working parents can afford this. If they can afford this they will surely be more pressing issues that need attention Most affected are the omega Leos who most of them are bread winners. With all the stress and hustles they have found little time to serve. With all these challenges they are also opportunities to serve .They have been tremendous service to the communities in some clubs.
They is a lot of potential in this country. The biggest challenge during this year has been the information black out .No one is quite sure of how well the clubs are doing. The few that know are not telling. I think its time we move back to the basics ,that is the normal way to report about club activities .A copy to the advisor ,a copy to the board an a copy to international. This is the only remedy of the issue of non communication.
Never the less clubs that are reporting in Botswana have been serving with pride
Never the less clubs that are reporting in Botswana have been serving with pride
Overally the district has a lot of potential and it is up to each and every Leo to do his/her best.
Thanking all those who helped in making this year a memorable one for all the leos in the dIstrict.
Leo Melusi Lusaba
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